miffy appears in the real world

KesselsKramer brings world-famous children's icon to everyday life

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Everyone knows miffy: it’s your first book, your first cuddly toy, and now also your first musical. miffy has become so iconic you can recognize her by her ears alone. For miffy the musical, KesselsKramer took this recognizable icon to the real world.

Paper ears

Just as Dick Bruna always managed to simplify everything, we distilled miffy to the most recognizable element: the ears. Sets of miffy’s ears were given to every child who saw the musical. On top of the heads of these children the ears made their way into the wider world, where they were photographed countless times. With the focus on simply the ears, we created an icon for miffy the musical, and distinguished this from the rest of the miffy world. Those ears appeared everywhere: from refrigerator magnets to photo frames and hats in the theater itself.

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Dick Bruna style

What makes miffy so recognizable is the unique illustration style of Dick Bruna: primary colors, thick lines, simple shapes. To properly translate this into photography and film, KesselsKramer worked with Sanja Marušić. Marušić, a Dutch-Croatian photographer and director is known for her characteristic use of color and illustrative approach. With her colorful adaptations, Marušić brings 'miffy' and 'the real world' together in a special way. 

miffy the musical will travel throughout the Netherlands in the coming months. Look for the dates at nijntjedemusical.nl.


Client: SENF

Agency: KesselsKramer

Director and photographer: Sanja Marušić

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